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Does Meditation Belong in the Workplace? Latest Trends Show It's Here to Stay.

Workplace breaks at the typical 9-5 job usually consist of coffee breaks, quick catch-ups with coworkers, a 30-minute lunch, and two 10 minute breaks. Workplace meditation breaks, on the other hand, may very well be unheard of. 

Yet, imagine how much more cooperative and kind your work environment would be if you meditated with coworkers and managers alike? Now, imagine the incredible effects on your wellbeing daily meditations could spur. 

Meditation for a Greater Workplace Wellbeing

According to a 2019 Entrepreneur article, meditation can be tremendously beneficial in a workplace setting. Not only can it reduce stress and allow workers to experience a greater sense of peace, but it can even increase a person’s creativity, productivity, and motivation.

It is likely that you have been in a situation where you desperately needed to come up with an idea but struggled with the many ideas swirling around in your head. You hopped in the shower, put the task out of your mind, and suddenly, the greatest idea came to you! Coming up with a solution to a problem you are experiencing while in the shower is similar to the creative effects of meditation. Scenarios like this are able to clear your mind and refocus your attention solely on the present moment. Only after you have stopped trying to find a solution do you discover your answer.

You might be thinking that this sounds great, but, where I am supposed to find a quiet place at work to meditate? This is where meditation rooms come in.

Meditation Rooms

Do you want to work for a company that has designated meditation rooms? According to a 2018 MarketWatch article, successful companies such as Salesforce, Pearson, Google, Nike, and HBO have meditation rooms at their corporate locations. There are likely many more organizations with similar quiet spaces where you could meditate.

Another great meditation location while at work is the outdoors! Many workplaces have park-like landscaping surrounding the office buildings. Here, you are sure to find a bench or a grassy spot to lay out a beach towel during your breaks and start meditating! This is something you can do even while at home. Even if devoting your break time to meditation isn’t how you want to be spending your free time, the calming and creativity-boosting effects are certainly worth it! It’s something your brain and body need.

Corporate Meditations at Sukhi

So many employers have loved seeing the impact of meditations on their teams. Especially in these pressing times, many of us have struggled to stay on top of our communication practices, and are having a hard time finding motivation. Teams at Bain & Co. and MassChallenge have participated in our team building meditations, and have positive things to say about how Sukhi has inspired the prioritization of wellness in their teams. if you would like to bring guided corporate meditation to your team, fill out our trial mindfulness session form on our website’s homepage. We would love for you to embark on this exciting (and calming) adventure!


Garvey, Marianne. Meditation rooms are the hottest new work perk, MarketWatch, 26 Oct 2018.
Daga, Pinky. Why Meditation Works Wonders for Better Workplace Productivity, Entrepreneur, 12 Sep 2019.

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